The big yellow post-its the cover the wall above my bed. The torn out, crumpled up sheets of notepad paper that litter my car’s floorboard. The mindless circular instant messaging conversations that happen at 2am on a regular basis. These things are products of my need to answer the question that looms above us, that we’re all asking, wanting to ask, afraid to ask, or all of the above: where exactly is this going?

I am not a programmer, or a 2.0 genius by any means. I am simply a thinker, a self-proclaimed problem solver. A lover of rhetoric and slave to theorizing. I’ve been MacGuyvering my way through life since I could walk. I’m pretty sure that somewhere between self teaching, enrolling in the school of hard knocks, and rediscovering my insatiable appetite for reading I decided to do this. I read maybe 3 dozen different blogs a day, plus embedded links, with easily a third of them being technology related. Yes. Daily. (But lucky you- if you’re postulating on modern life’s greatest question as well, then all you need to read is this… )